Editor's note ( yes Norwich was moved and Curries Station and Burgessville, were added to the layout, mostly for visual effect.)
I started with a picture I cut out of Model Railroader, in a article called "Continue your roads into the backdrop" by Tom Johnson. He went into great detail showing various ways to make them look real. In this picture, Tom had already added a building on either side to frame in the road. This left a cutoff building on either side of the picture which I covered with a cutout picture of a store on one side and a house on the other.
But first I had to paint in some clouds to blend the sky in the picture to my backdrop. Then, after temporarily taking away the house and the store I painted lots of trees, not only around but also over some of Tom's trees, hiding most of the fall colours. I also had to hide the bottom, right side of the store, which unrealistically slanted up, so a small garage (from Full Steam Ahead) did the trick. In fact this whole project is designed to trick the viewer's eyes into seeing more there than there really is.
A few more added touches, like bringing the lines on the road onto the layout and grass areas will finish it up.